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Vital Health Wellness Center Can Help

Happy mother and daughterNaturally, chiropractic helps traditional neck and back problems, but chiropractic has also produced amazing results with a variety of other health problems.

Our Dayton chiropractic office provides solutions for optimal living, based on the Five Keys to Health, to individuals and families throughout all stages of life. What does that mean?

Wellness Care

Dr. Goffe certainly help people with issues like headaches, back pain, neck pain and a variety of other conditions, but the primary thing we do is promote wellness in our practice members. Dr. Goffe has completed the classroom portion of the Certified Chiropractic Wellness Practitioner (C.C.W.P.) program sanctioned by the International Chiropractor’s Association. This gives us the tools and resources to help our practice members to succeed in their health and vitality goals.

Upper Cervical

Dr. Goffe has advanced training in the NUCCA procedure. NUCCA is an acronym for the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association. With this specific, upper cervical procedure, the head and neck never need to be twisted. Recent scientific journal publications have published articles about improvements in patients with scoliosis and hypertension (high blood pressure) in patients undergoing NUCCA care.

Pediatric Care

We see a wide variety of patients from children through our most seasoned citizens…in fact, about 30% of our practice is pediatric.


Advanced training in some of the procedures we perform in the office allows us to help people suffering from specific problems. For instance, the Chirodontics technique allows helping people with advanced TMJ/TMD problems. Some symptoms that may be associated with problems related to the TMJ are:

  • tooth pain
  • many others

Get Started Today

Call our Dayton chiropractic office to make an appointment, so we can help you and your family!



Vital Health Wellness Center Can Help | (937) 435-1895